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Friday 31 May 2013


1. The figures in the mosaics in the North wall of the apse of
the church of San Vitale in Ravenna are
A. Galla Placidia and her family.
B. Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
C. Justinian and his attendants.
D. Christ and a flock of sheep.
2. The Hagia Sophia in Constantinople is a remarkable
example of
A. early Gothic architecture.
B. a church transformed into a mosque.
C. a mosque that was transformed into a church.
D. a mosque that dates from the seventh century.
3. Which of the following ancient Egyptian artworks is not
carved from stone?
A. Mycerinus and His Queen, Kha-Merer-Nebty II
B. Queen Nefertiti from Tell-el-Amarna
C. the Second Coffin of Tutankhamen
D. Akhenaton from a pillar statue in the Temple of Amen-Re
4. During the Hellenistic Age, an elaborate style of column, which was topped with a
capital of sprouting leaves, became popular. This column was called
A. Doric. C. Ionic.
B. Iambic. D. Corinthian.
5. Typically, the art of the early Angles and Saxons consists primarily of
A. intricate and colorful patterns. C. realistic portraits of humans.
B. simple lines and shading. D. idealized portraits of gods.
6. Which of the following architectural features is not typically Gothic?
A. Massive rotunda C. Flying buttress
B. Pointed arch D. Ribbed vault
7. Trade and cultural interaction between the ancient cultures of Africa, Europe, and Asia
were possible because of
A. the Pax Romana, beginning with the birth of the Roman Empire.
B. innovative transportation advances made under Justinian.
C. their proximity to the Mediterranean Sea.
D. advanced linguistic developments in Asia Minor.
8. The statue known as Augustus of Prima Porta is posed so that it calls to mind the
Greek model of
A. the Spear Carrier.
 C. Aphrodite of Melos.
B. Nike of Samothrace.
D. Discobolos.
9. Which of the following warrior tribes did not settle in England following the fall of the
Roman Empire?
A. Angles C. Jutes
B. Saxons D. Franks
10. If you were a citizen in ancient Greece and decided to travel from Pergamon to Troy, you
A. would sail across the Mediterranean Sea.
B. could do so by land or by sea.
C. would travel over 500 miles by sea.
D. could only do so by sea.
11. Which of the following religious groups was the focus of attacks by European Christians
during the Crusades?
A. Moslems C. Buddhists
B. Jews D. Catholics
12. If you were a citizen in ancient Rome and you decided to worship in the Pantheon, you
would do so because you were interested in worshipping
A. the most powerful Roman gods and goddesses.
B. all of the Roman deities.
C. Athena and Poseidon.
D. Apollodorus, Nike of Samothrace, and Discobolos.
13. The religious architecture of the early Hindu people was
A. usually built from stone blocks.
B. not so much constructed, but carved.
C. frequently built with cedar timbers.
D. created by modifying existing Buddhist temples.
14. Which of the following components of the architecture of the Romans was used
extensively in the eleventh century in Medieval Europe in the construction of castles,
fortresses, churches, and monasteries?
A. Round arch C. Flying buttress
B. Pointed arch D. Architrave
15. In 313 A.D., Constantine the Great caused a significant change to be made in the daily
life of many Romans. In that year, he declared that
A. travel was possible anywhere within the Empire.
B. Christianity was legal.
C. gladiatorial games would be reinstated.
D. aristocratic privileges would be abolished.
16. Among the remarkable features of the Pantheon in Rome is the fact that
A. it's built entirely in the Roman style of building.
B. at the top of the dome is a closed reculus.
C. it was erected in Rome in 113.
D. the rotunda's diameter equals the building's height.
17. Which type of artwork developed and flourished during the Roman Classical period?
A. Realistic portrait busts C. Stained-glass windows
B. Colorful ceramics D. Mural painting
18. Roman paintings in stone that have best stood the test of time are
A. frescoes. C. sosus.
B. mosaics. D. oculus.
19. Which of the following types of decoration was often used in Italian churches during
the Middle Ages?
A. Painted wooden altarpieces C. Intricate tapestries
B. Stained-glass windows D. Sculpted marble doors
20. For several hundred years following the end of the first millennium, many Christians
believed that the world was coming to an end. A consequence of that belief are the
many artworks from the period that are illustrations of the
A. expulsion from the Garden of Eden.
B. Last Supper.
C. day of judgment.
D. creation of Adam. 
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