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Saturday 17 August 2013


A database is useful when the user can access the data in a meaningful way. Here are two requests from the superintendent:
1. Based on gross sales, which grade has sold the most cookies? Point to consider – “Gross Sales” for the superintendent is SALES_AMOUNT_CHECKEDIN divided by 2. Sort by the highest to the lowest selling grade. This is what your output should look like:

Grade SumOfAmountCheckedIn GrossIncome
6 $222.00 $111.00
8 $207.00 $103.50
4 $149.00 $74.50
7 $101.00 $50.50
5 $50.00 $25.00

2. The superintendent also wants to know which students have sold all the cookies they have checked out. The output should resemble the following:

SellerLastName SellerFirstName SumOfCheckOutQuantity
Heironimus Claude 2
Swamy Melvin 1
Timpanaro Horacio 2
Yellat Terry 20
Zuckerbrow Ashley 2

In addressing these two queries, make sure you understand the requirements. Determine the attributes that are needed to satisfy the query and the tables where the attributes are. Determine if there are any calculations that need to be performed, like SUM. Decide whether sorting is required or grouping is needed.

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