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Friday 25 October 2013

leadership and corporate Week4

leadership and corporate Week4

Required Resources

Required Text
  1. Read the following chapter from Business Ethics & Social Responsibility:
    1. Chapter 7: Organizational Factors: The Role of Ethical Culture and Relationships
1.          National Public Radio (2005, May 31). How Sarbanes-Oxley has affected corporate culture. [Audio File and Transcript] Retrieved from

Recommended Resources

  1. AllanGregg. (2012, March 13). Daniel Goleman explains emotional intelligence [Video File]. Retrieved from
  2. HarvardBusiness. (2008, August 11). Social intelligence and leadership[Video File].  Retrieved from

  1. Federal Compliance Law 
Listen to a podcast of Linda Thomsen, former director of enforcement at the Securities and Exchange Commission:  How Sarbanes-Oxley has affected corporate culture. Discuss how the Sarbanes–Oxley Act has changed corporate culture.  A transcript of the podcast is also available through the URL.
Expand on how the Sarbanes–Oxley Act impacts organizational culture and why federal oversight like this is needed. 
Additionally, Linda Thomsen mentions in the podcast that she expects further misconduct to occur.  Why do you think this type of misconduct continues despite these regulatory laws? 
Support your views with evidence from the textbook or at least one article from the Ashford Library or another scholarly source.

Leadership and Corporate Culture
An organization’s leaders have influence and power to shape the corporate culture and motivate ethical conduct. 
In a three to five page paper excluding title page and reference page(s), evaluate the influence and power that corporate leaders have in shaping the corporate culture. 
Include the following in your evaluation:
  • Description of important ethical leaders in an organization and their various roles.
  • Illustration of the relationship between ethical leaders and stakeholders.
  • Summarization of the various leadership styles and classifications and their impact on corporate culture. 
  • Analysis of the influence of leadership style on ethical decision-making, including specific examples drawn from research on today’s business leaders.  Be sure to include reference to two or more articles from the Ashford Library or other scholarly sources that highlight the influence of power and leadership style on corporate culture.  These two sources apply toward the total requirement of three sources for the paper.
To conclude your evaluation, summarize your position on the influence of ethical leaders in contributing to a corporate ethical culture.
Support your evaluation with at least three resources from the Ashford Library or other scholarly sources, in addition to the textbook.  Your paper must be correctly formatted according to APA 6th edition style guidelines.
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