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Friday 22 November 2013

proj4 using vectors

Lab- 4

The purpose of this project is to expose you to:
Vectors, vector elements, input/output, parallel vectors, using vector methods to manipulating sum, and maintain vectors.

Problem Specification:
Write a program to keep records and print statistical analysis for a class of students.There are three quizzes for each studentduring the term. Each student is identified by a four-digit student ID number. The number of students in the class is unknown. However; the last ID number is 0000. The file is included and contains the data.
The program is to print the student scores and calculate and print the statistics for each quiz. The output is in the same order as the input. The output from the program should be similar to the following: any other improvement to the output is welcomed

                  CIS Department – Fall 2013

                     CIS 161 Class Statistics

Student            Quiz 1                Quiz 2              Quiz 3         Average     
1234             78                 83                87             82.67
2134             67                 77                84             76.00
3124             77                 89                93             86.33

High score    78                 89                93

Low score    67                 77                84

Quiz Average                    73.4             83.0          88.2

Must use vectors to complete the task.
Vectors declarations does not include size.
Vectors are not passed by reference and you have to use pass by reference if the vector changes.

Grading Criteria:

  5 points         There are sufficient comments in the programs.
  5 points         typedef is used to define all vectors.
10 points         Data is read from the data file into variables then pushed back into the vector.
5 points           loop is included and reads the data until the trailing value 0 for ID is encountered.
  5 points         A structured, hierarchical, chart is handed-in.
10 points         at least 4 functions are used.
10 points         Program is easy to follow and trace.
  5 points         the average for each student is properly calculated and stored in an array.
  5 points         high score for each quiz is found and displayed.
  5 points         low score for each quiz is found and displayed.
  5 points         the average for each quiz is calculated and displayed.
10 points         every task is handled by a different function.
10 points         headings, column and row titles are printed, formatted and looks nice.
  5 points         all data and calculated results are printed with proper spacing and formatting.
  5 points         source program, hierarchical chart and data file are submitted.

Submission Details:
Hand-in the hierarchical chart, source program files, and data file.
            Due Date 11-13-2013

Need Solution