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Monday 9 December 2013

Utilizing Raptor Flow Charts and pseudocode

(Utilizing Raptor Flow Charts and pseudocode)

In this assignment, you will design a program to perform the following task:

Write a program using functions that asks the user for the dimensions (Length and Width) of a rectangle and calculates:

a) The area and perimeter of the rectangle

b) The length of the diagonal (use the Pythagorean Theorem: c2 = a2 + b2, where c = length of the diagonal; a = length; b = width)

Before attempting this exercise, be sure you have completed all of chapter 7 and course module readings, participated in the weekly conferences, and thoroughly understand the examples throughout the chapter. There are 3 main components of your submission including the problem analysis, program design and documentation, and sample test data.

1. Provide your analysis for the following problem statement:

Write a program that calculates the area, perimeter, and diagonal length (hypotenuse) of a rectangle whose dimensions (Length and width) are provided by the user.

Your analysis should be clearly written and demonstrate your thought process and steps used to analyze the problem. Be sure to include what is the required output? What is the necessary input and how you will obtain the required output from the given input? Also, include your variable names and definitions. Be sure to describe any necessary formulas and sample calculations.

2. Provide your program design for the problem you analyzed for calculating and displaying the area, perimeter, and diagonal (hypotenuse) length of a rectangle. Always work for modular design where possible. Be sure to use separate function for calculating the area; separate function for calculating the perimeter, and separate function for calculating the diagonal length of the rectangle. Use subprograms for Input and Output. Be sure to describe the fundamental tasks (i.e., things your program must do) needed to solve the problem so you can use a modular design. Provide pseudocode of your overall design that includes the Main module, subprograms, functions, and the order of the module calls; Hierarchy chart for the program. Finally, display the flow charts (using Raptor, or your favorite graphics editor) for each module.

Include header and step comments in your pseudocode, using a similar approach as the example provided in section 2.3 (textbook page 87). See example 2.8 on pages 87-88.

3. Prepare at least 3 sets of input data (Test data) along with the expected outputs for testing your program. Your test data can be presented in the form of a table as was shown in Assignment 1.

Submission requirements:

1. Your completed assignment should be saved as Word document and submitted to your WebTycho assignment area no later than the due date listed in the syllabus. Your document should be neat, detailed, well-written with minimal grammatical and spelling errors. Your name should be clearly listed on the first page along with the class/section, professor and due date. Your document should contain page numbers at the bottom of each page. Only double space line formatting is acceptable. The Hierarchy Chart should be included in the Word document.

2. A separate file containing the Raptor flow chart.

You should name the file yournamehw4.docx (or yournamehw4.doc). So for my name Abrom Cooper, I would name my document abromcooperhw2.docx.

Use the attached HW4.doc template file containing the required sections. You should use this document to start your writing and fill in all of the details required.

Your assignment will graded based on the following grading rubric.

Grading Rubric:

Attribute (0-7) Points (8-19) Points (20-25) Points Points

Analysis /


Definition - No or poorly described problem description

- No or poorly prepared project analysis

– project does not satisfy most of the requirements

- Good problem description

- The following topics are included but some coverage missing or is vague: What is the required output? What is the necessary input? How you will obtain the required output from the given input? Clearly describe variable names and definitions. Includes all necessary formulas and example calculations.

- Most requirements are satisfied

- Excellent problem description that goes beyond expected requirements

- Excellent analysis including clearly written discussion for the following questions and topics: What is the required output? What is the necessary input? How you will obtain the required output from the given input? Clearly describe variable names and definitions. Includes all necessary formulas and example calculations.

- All requirements are satisfied and student went beyond the requirements to an provide exemplary analysis 25

Attribute (0-15) Points (16-39) Points (40-50) Points Points

Program Design

- Poor use of modular design with most functionality found in one or two modules.
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